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Table 6 Presentation of Qualitative Data and Emerging Themes

From: Evaluating an e-learning program to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian workers in the MENA region: the Humanitarian Leadership Diploma

Category 1: Strengths

Theme 1: Online learning modality


 New, pleasant, and beneficial learning experience that encouraged future participation in online modalities

 Learning objectives and expectations of courses were met through the online learning modality

 Allowed for better time-management, planning, and organization

 Flexibility with timing offered allows the diversification of learners from different organizations and different countries

 Reliable and credible information is provided in a time-efficient manner, along with proper guidance and support from instructors

 Facilitated accessibility to courses at one’s own convenience

 A reference of information that can be referred to any point

 Self-paced learning allows for enhancement of learning process and uptake of information

 Allowed course content to be comprehensive and inclusive

 Online platform design was user friendly, well-organized, and easy to navigate

 Variation in presenting information was positively perceived and facilitated comprehension of information

 No hindrance of communication with professors as they were available and responsive via email

 Convenient for those who are not comfortable in a class setting

 Decreased gender-bias and increased acceptance in work setting

Theme 2: Significance of diploma


 The availability of a diploma in the humanitarian field that is very much in demand and interest, was perceived to be unique, and not easily available, especially in the middle east setting

 Diploma from a reputable institution, such as AUB, was regarded as a major added value to the CV

Theme 3: Course content


 Course objectives were clearly stated and matched its content

 Course was well structured and delivered in a detailed manner. The provision of details allowed learner to respond to workplace needs

 Diploma is complementary, beneficial, and covers all the information needed in the humanitarian work setting

 Content was considered to be novel despite previously attending several trainings in the humanitarian field

 Increased engagement due to originality of content allowed for acquisition of information directly from an expert in the field

 Assignments were suitable, fostered greater understanding, and were applicable in the work setting

Theme 4: Instructors


 Instructors were knowledgeable, cooperative, supportive, and met high professional standards

 Instructors seemed eager to convey knowledge and personal experience in a simple and effective manner

 Enhancement of abilities due to instructor’s superior knowledge and experience in the humanitarian work

 Instructors provided constructive feedback in a timely manner

 Having a variety of specialized facilitators was positively perceived

Theme 5: Translation of learning into performance


 Significant attainment, enhancement, and clarification of previously established knowledge and skills, particularly those that are applicable in areas of conflict

 Enhancement of knowledge and skills translated into improved work performance and expansion of scope work

 Development of skills that allowed learner to become an independent learner

Increased understanding of organizational work and coworker’s duties in the humanitarian field allowed for effective engagement and coordination with work peers

 Improved self-evaluation through setting indicators to monitor work performance

 Learner became more systematic in his/her approach to work, as he/she understands the aspects and processes of humanitarian work better

 Increased capacity and output in terms of carrying out online sessions to other learners

Increased initiative to be involved in humanitarian projects and reported positive feedback from learner’s co-workers

 Introduction of new methods to carry out work-related tasks; such as material/templates provided by the course

 Implementation of policy changes and involvement in strategic planning on the organizational and national level

Theme 6: Personal development


 Increased familiarity with overall concept of the humanitarian field increased capability and readiness to work on humanitarian projects

 Enhanced knowledge allowed for career and personal advancement in the humanitarian field

 Learner encouraged to complete more diplomas that certify his/her expertise in the humanitarian field and to seek out more educational opportunities

 Online learning modality allowed for continuity of education especially in regions of instability or in times of a global pandemic

 Learner considers his/her input to be more valuable and considers himself/herself to be an asset

 Increased self-confidence as a result of the proper guidance that ensured conveyance of accurate information

 Increased perceived self-efficacy in carrying out job-related tasks

Category 2: Barriers and challenges

Theme 1: Barriers to applying changes in behavior and performance


 Limited ability to learn new skills due to lack of practice

 Inability to change work performance or practice due to time constraints, COVID situation, and restrictions by scope of work

 Inability to initiate major changes in policies due to time constraints, employment status, and COVID situation

 Inability to implement new strategic plans as this is beyond some of the learners’ capacity, expertise, and scope of work, and due to preexisting functional policies

Theme 2: Engagement and interaction


 Doesn’t allow for proper engagement and interaction with peers and professors

 Diploma lacked an important aspect which is the exchange of experience and knowledge with people from different backgrounds

 Learning process was hindered due to minimal engagement; especially with courses that are not theoretical and require practice

 Doesn’t allow for proper engagement and interaction with peers and professors

Theme 3: Pedagogical approach


 Diploma didn’t sustain same quality level, as standard decreased gradually

 Negative feedback on excessive delivery of theoretical rather than practical information

Presence of information that was considered basic and insufficient for those with previous experience

 Negative feedback on time allocated for some courses as some could have been presented in a more concise manner, while others needed additional time to be covered

Redundancy and overlap of some information

 Interactive blocks included an overload of information

 Suspected incoherence between course content and some assignment questions, and across some courses

 Lack of clarity on some assignment questions

 Concerns over exams’ lengths considering the unstable internet connection and the learners’ personal preoccupations

 Administration of quizzes at the end of the course; rather than during, hindered proper self-evaluation

 Evaluation through MCQs, rather than written, was considered to be inefficacious

 Limited feedback or corrections for some exams and assignments