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Table 2 Components of the individual level semi-structured interview guide and organizational level open-ended questions

From: Evaluating an e-learning program to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian workers in the MENA region: the Humanitarian Leadership Diploma



Individual level, semi-structured interview guide

1. Describe your learning experiences during your participation in the training

2. How did the online learning modality influence your learning process?

3. Describe your knowledge in humanitarian leadership after your participation in the training

4. Describe your practices in humanitarian leadership after your participation in the training

5. How did the training impact your capability to learn new skills?

6. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the training program?

7. Describe, if any, changes that you have noticed in your performance within the organization after completing the training

8. Since your completion of the training have you initiated any changes in the practices and/or policy of your organization?

9. Based on the knowledge acquired from the courses, have you been able to develop or implement new strategic plans in humanitarian settings?

Organizational level, open-ended questions

1. Describe the performance of the learner within the organization since their completion of the training

2. Describe the strengths/weaknesses of the [blended, face-to-face, or online] training in facilitating the access of the learner to related education

3. Describe (if any) barriers that limited the application of the learners’ acquired skills into the organization following their participation in the training